error_reporting(E_ERROR); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost", "frontlin_a", "BDnd9121") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("frontlin_thisishardstyle") or die (mysql_error()); ?>
$meta['title'] = $release_array['tr_track_artist'].' - '.$release_array['tr_track_title']; $meta['listen_to'] = 'Listen to '.$release_array['tr_track_title'].' by '.$release_array['tr_track_artist'].' on This Is Hardstyle.'; $meta['crrnt_url'] = ''.$release_array['tr_url']; $meta['fi_src_start'] = 'favicons/tih_icon_'; ?>
This Is Hardstyle
Website is under construction!
After over a decennium of dedication to Hardstyle, Frontliner expands his vision setting new goals for the scene. His label will be more than a portal for artists to release new music, it will be the missing link between the dedicated crowd Hardstyle knows and everyone contributing their musical energy to build a genre that is more than just music, it is a way of life, This Is Hardstyle!
$query = "SELECT * FROM `tih_releases` WHERE `tr_releasedate` <= '".mktime()."' ORDER BY `tr_releasedate` DESC";
$sql = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
/*echo '
echo ' ';